
Nov 2022 (3 weeks) | Academic Project
Project Overview
A platform that connects people willing to offer help and guidance with first generation students (FGS), who need this help during their transition from school to college.
My Contributions
Research, problem identification, solution ideation,
UX design, UI and prototyping

Main Challenge Addressed

FGS : First Generation Student in India is a learner or a student whose parents or legal guardians have not attended formal higher education. Their experience of education is not a very guided or well planned journey. Quiet often, due to lack of awareness or guidance, they miss out on opportunities that could change their lives. Amongst so many NGOs working in this sector, personal guidance for transition from school to college and college applications often gets over looked.

Solution Proposal

A platform that helps FGS understand their options, build custom roadmaps for their education journey post 10th standard, plan entrance applications, get mentorship/ guidance and learn new tools. The students wishing to offer guidance in-return, earn credit points in their Academic Bank Credit (ABC), a digital repository linked to APAAR IDs.

Final Prototype